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Details From Farrah Darwazeh's Big Day

Planning a wedding is rarely ever an easy task, but imagine having to change, reschedule, change reschedule and repeat quite a few times, its safe to say that that will definitely add a new layer to the process, but bride Farrah Darwazeh made it all the way to her big day and managed to fill all of the details of her wedding with love and passion.

We have all of the details from their big day on

1- Tell us your wedding story, what was the original plan and how did it change?

It was so difficult for us because we planned for it like 4 times and each time we postpone it because of corona but at the end we took the decision to do it in January 2021 we decided to do it at a farm then before a week from the wedding we booked in king Hussein Club

2- What are the details of your look, how did you choose your dress?

At first I wanted a very very big dress with a very long tail and veil but because of the current situation and place I changed my look to a smaller dress I fell in love with because of its shiny stones by a Turkish designer I also get the headpiece which matches the dress.

I did my hair and makeup at Blounge by Bob Hair by Ismail and makeup by Bob.

3- What was the hardest part of planning a wedding?

The hardest part was deciding on our guest list, and trying to figure out whom to invite and whom we can't, trying not to offend anyone, but at the same time not violate defense orders, and make sure everything is safe.

4- What was your favorite part of planning your wedding?

Every single detail that is related to our wedding was our favorite because it was made with love and passion.

Thank you to the lovely couple for sharing details of their big day with us, wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness.

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